Friday, July 6, 2012

Dan is a cutie

So we all know that my son David is super cute. As a matter of fact he may be one of the cutest people I know. However, with that being said, Dan Rabinovich is very close second. He is ADORABLE! Not only is he cute but god damn is he handsome. His girlfriend is clearly one of the luckiest women On earth to be able to run his belly and kiss him with tongue at any given time. Moral of the story... Dan Rabinovich is A sexy bitch!

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Monday, January 23, 2012

Time for Work

So the time has come, the time that I've been dreading...returning back to work! Whoever made the decision that mommies should return to work shortly after having a baby is crazy. And yes, 8 months IS shortly after having a baby.

When I first got pregnant I thought I would only be out for 3 months with my baby. Then when I was 4 or 5 months pregnant I knew I would need more than 3 months but I was sure I wouldn't be able to have more than that. So when my amazing work allowed me to stay out for longer I was so happy.

Fast forward to January 2012 and it was time for me to return to work. I've been out for almost 8 months with David and I consider myself very lucky. Not many people get such opportunities. So why was I so upset with returning to work? Maybe because I'm controlling and I need to monitor all of David's feedings and naps. Maybe because I enjoy being a stay at home mom. But the main reason is because I love being with David at all times. How can I be away from such an amazing person?!?!

So today when I was leaving the house for my first day back at work I had so many emotions going on. As I got to work and was occupied with various tasks I noticed that the day was almost over within minutes. Of course, the hour lunch break and 2 pumping sessions gave me some nice alone time :)

Obviously I was rushing home to see my sweet, delicious face once it was time to leave. It was amazing seeing him after so many hours away but I knew at that moment that I can be a working mommy. Now Mr. David is sleeping, dinner has been eaten, David's breakfast, lunch, and dinner are cooked for tomorrow. Now I have 15 minutes to myself!

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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Time for a Change

Change is what David is an expert at. At first it took me two months to figure it out whether David was hungry, tired, or just bored. When I figured that out I thought I was able to know everything he waned from then on. Yeah right!!!!

Then came random naps, random feedings. I did as David told. When he reached 6 months we started to understand each other so well. I knew at exactly what time he was going to eat, sleep, and play. I started to feel like those moms that always say, "My baby will be napping at that time but will be awake at that time."

A little over a month passes and obviously David decides it's time for a change. My response, "uhhhh!" I've gotten so good with his schedule why does he want to change it!

So now we're back to the beginning. When should he going down for his nap, when should I feed him breastmilk versus solids. What is he thinking!

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Friday, January 13, 2012

Mickey to the Rescue

Thank god for Mickey Mouse! Walt Disney was an absolute genius. No Einstein or Benjamin Franklin compare.

David's love for Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is not like any that I have ever seen. He's very devoted and loving to Mickey. And because of this amazing love and bond that they have I am sometimes able to get some stuff done around the house or even do nothing!

Especially when it's a day like today then I am more than thankful to Mickey. I feel that I owe him everything. David decided today was a day with no sleeping but being cranky was a must. The three things that keep him happy for a few minutes is his food, me spinning, and Mickey Mouse. I've fed him, enough, I've spun around in the kitchen and living room for a decent amount of time. Now it's Mickey to the rescue.

I think I can officially call Mickey David's babysitter.

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Monday, January 2, 2012

Breastfeeding ~ The Lost Value

It's a shame that people assume that your child is formula fed and that you feed solids from Gerber's little jars. Where have the days gone when breastmilk and homemade baby food was considered the norm?

The other day we had the Verizon guy over and what else to talk about but babies. So of course his first question was what formula he eats. In my head I was thinking "You idiot, don't you know there's such a thing as breastmilk, which is actually what babies should be eating if possible." When I told him he eats breastmilk he looked at me as if I told him I feed my baby snakes. I have no problem with parents feeding their babies formula but todays society has evolved into thinking formula is THE way to feed babies. No matter what people say, breastmilk is the healthiest. I understand that some people have problems with latch, milk supply, support from family and friends, etc. But majority of people that feed formula don't have these reasons, instead they simply say "I don't want to. I'm not a cow."

When I was pregnant I was registering on random baby websites and soon after I kept receiving formula samples in the mail. Then when I was leaving the hospital with my baby they gave me a bunch a formula samples as well. Then when I was at the pediatrician's office I got formula samples to take home. I now have so much formula samples at my house. So of course people nowadays feed their babies formula rather than breastmilk. It's easy access!

Breastfeeding has been one of the hardest challenges for me, which I failed at so I turned to pumping. But since breastfeeding tends to be difficult it's easy to say "Screw it" and woop out one of the formula samples. Luckily, I had a lactation consultant at the pediatricians office who offered great advice, a cousin who went through the same situation as me, and a very supportive husband.

Now that I'm feeding solids in addition to breastmilk, I get questions such as "What brand of food are you feeding? What stage of food are you feeding?" I get so annoyed by these questions because all I want to say is, "I don't know fool. It's homemade. The brand is ZMama and the stage level is whatever the blender makes." People even think it's crazy to make baby food! There is no excuse not to be making your own baby food. You don't need to buy any fancy baby equipment. All you need is an oven and a blender. If you want it to be really easy then of course you can purchase specially designed baby blender/steamer/everything. No matter what the jar says, it's always healthier to make your own food. So what's the excuse? Oh, yea it's that you don't feel like it.

The value of breastmilk is even more so highlighted when you read this article. This story is unlike any other you might have heard because unfortunately people don't value breastmilk as they should.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

5,4,3,2,1 HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!

New Years is the BEST holiday of the year. Ever since I was a little girl, December 31st was a huge celebration in my family. We would have a huge Christmas tree filled with presents. I always stayed up to celebrate with my parents and their friends. Right after the countdown and the hugs and the kisses we opened presents. So exciting! Now that I have David I feel that this holiday is even more special.

I want David to grow up feeling just as excited for December 31st as I did. I want our little family to have these traditions but I know that he's just a bit young for understanding and participating in NYE but I'm still excited. That's why when my mom offered to sit with David for NYE and for us to go out I declined. Most would call me crazy for this but I wanted to spend NYE with David, especially his first NYE. Whatever, I know he didn't actually celebrate NYE but he was sleeping not far from me.

Since we wanted to spend NYE with David our only option was to do something at home. So we went to the Poconos with our friends. This was David's first mini "vacation", first mini "road trip" and first not sleeping in a crib (we brought a playpen). So pretty big steps for us!

I was excited/worried to see how he was going to be in the car, how he was going to nap and sleep at night throughout the yelling, and how mommy and daddy were going to feel with lack of sleep. David proved to be amazing as usual. The ride there he decided to take an hour and a half nap...which NEVER happens! Then for all his naps he fell asleep like a big boy without being rocked. Even though we were loud during his naps and bedtime he was a trooper. Gene and  I did go up to him a few times, especially during NYE to help him fall back asleep when we were all yelling, but he was great with sleeping through most of it. In my opinion, he woke up to say Happy NYE to Mama and Papa :) One of the nights he was waking up a lot and I had to keep getting up to him, but no biggie. So worth it! He loved all the attention and I loved all the babysitters.

But now that we're home and Gene and I are running on a total of 8 hours of sleep over the past several of days, we are definitely feeling it. We've become delirious...laughing from nothing. Oh well, as long as we got to ring in the new year with our little love, Mr. David.