Since I started this blog recently, most of you don't know that I exclusively pump because David was too lazy to latch on and eat properly. At first I barely got 18 oz. in a 24 hour period and David was eating 27 oz. at that time. With LOTS of pumping I was able to build up my supply to about 45 oz. and David eats between 35-40 oz.
I started saving my milk in the freezer and now this is what it looks like (plus some more at my mom's house).
I know, not bad. But my goal is to have enough breastmilk until David is at least 1 year old. It's hard to say if I have enough saved because he enjoys his milk so he still eats a lot. But over the past week I haven't been strict with myself to be pumping every 2 hours. If I was out or busy doing stuff around the house I ended up missing a pumping session. Over a few days my milk supply went down. This got me thinking whether it's time for me to slowly reduce my pumping sessions.
David definitely has enough milk for the next few months, but is it enough for longer than that? I'm so annoyed of pumping already so I definitely want to stop sometime soon, but I feel guilty stopping and not knowing if he will have enough until he's ready to stop eating his milk. Decisions, decisions.
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