Saturday, December 10, 2011

Screw Routine!

Everyone with a baby knows how important it is to establish a night routine so that the baby can actually go to sleep instead of fighting it. It takes time to figure out what time he want to go down at, what does he enjoy before bed, how much does he want to eat...and when all that is figured out you are ecstatic!

But of course you learn that babies love to change everything up on you. We were so proud of ourselves for establishing a night routine with David that he seemed to enjoy and understand that it's bed time. It has been working for us for awhile why all of a sudden does he have a problem with it?

We go upstairs to take a bath, get him dressed for bed, swaddle him up like a burrito (yes he still enjoys being swaddled and I will continue until he says no more), then feed him, he falls asleep on the bottle, and then he gets put down into his bed. But lately when it comes time for feeding he decides to throw a fit. He chokes, yells, and/or cries. What's his problem????

Eventually we get him to actually eat his food and put him into bed for him to relax and fall asleep. One day he falls asleep within minutes and other days I go up and down the stairs to calm him down. If possible I try not to pick him up and rock him to sleep but after 10 trips in and out of his room I usually give up and rock him to sleep. Just as usual, David wins.

So I guess we're back to our usual spot...trying to figure out what David wants and once that's figured out he's going to have a problem with something else.

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